Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Now They Tell Me

That ice cream increases fertility.

Too late for me to take advantage of that now, as we have hit the end of our childbearing phase of this life. But couldn't I find this out back in 2002 or so, when we were having a little difficulty figuring out why we weren't conceiving? I must note here that our "battle" with infertility was not fought for years upon years, that many people I know have dealt with infertility obstacles much greater than mine, but that doesn't make it any less painful when you are in the throes of the despair and suspense and depression that difficulty conceiving brings.

In all seriousness, I don't think the ice cream would have regulated my whacked hormones, the ones that made my periods do strange things, like not show for three months and make me think I was pregnant, or that made all my exercise and following Weight Watchers to a T be for naught - I still did not lose any weight and wondered what in the hell was wrong with me? I sat around thinking, "Holy shit. I am not only never going to have children, but I am going to be a hairy, menstruation-fucked, hormonal fat ass, too!"

My Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) will not be cured by ice cream, unfortunately. The only thing that cures it? Exercise and diet: "lifestyle changes" if you will, and those just aren't as damn fun as ice cream. But then, who needs ice cream, when I have two lovely children (a complete set!) and the possibility of being thin again.

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At 11:04 AM, Blogger Dorothy Gould said...

Anne, I am a veteran of infertility, and can tell you, it doesn't matter to what lengths you have to go, or how quickly you can find out what the issue is and "fix" it....any degree of infertility SUCKS! Now that I am on the other side; whew, big sigh of relief, and total empathy for others going thru it. I too, saw that article. "Reasearch" like that, so non-conclusive and vague really pisses me off, as it tends to give the uninformed just one more reason to think that getting pregnant is no big deal. When I was caught up in it, I was too emotional to try and educate others on the fact that it is a disease, not in my head, just relaxing won't help, etc. But now that I have some distance and 3 healthy children,(all miracles, trust me) I find I can discuss it with some degree of rationality, when I come across the uninformed. Thanks for sharing, it's always nice to know others who struggled and can appreciate the miracle that is conception.

At 4:11 PM, Blogger jasonaut said...

I notice you did not include the "experts skeptical" portion of the headline... a little spin, perhaps?

However, I will keep this in mind. Based on my own ice cream consumption, I must be very fertile.

At 4:47 PM, Blogger Nat said...

I read somewhere once that cold medicine can also help fertility. I have my doubts but I did have a sinus infection both times we conceived. IDK.... I have only been preggers twice and I have taken cold medicine so many times I can't even count.

But ice cream??? That sounds like the same sort of study that says milk helps you lose weight. Who did this research? Funded it? Dairy farmers?

At 4:50 PM, Blogger Nat said...

Oh yeah, and this isn't I diet I would try. I gained 60lbs with Carmella and I had icecream almost everyday. I gained 25 with Beau and ate popcicles. Ice cream is the debbil!

At 1:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A lot of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) have acne and menstrual disorders. Dr. Nancy Dunne's website lists a number of medical studies that show chasteberry (vitex) helps to normalize cycles, and help I got this information from: reduce acne.

At 9:22 AM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

Thanks, Sudhir! Oddly enough, since having my second child, my cycles have regulated themselves. It is CRAZY. They have never been normal my whole life and suddenly at 35, they are.


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