Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Rumination on the Vernal Equinox

Happy Vernal Equinox!

Well, really it is tomorrow (Mar 21), but since it is based on Greenwich Mean Time, in the U.S. it falls at about 8:07 PM tonight. There is something so frightening about the universe, or at least our little piece of it, coming together in such a brilliant alignment.

Little-known fact about me: I kind of loosely follow nerdy things like eclipses, meteor showers, the equinox, etc. I can lose hours reading The Old Farmer's Almanac. I think there is something almost romantic about the lost art of following astronomy, and of having an appreciation for the changing of the seasons. Just a hundred years ago, people really paid attention to first and last freezes, moon phases, and the like. These things had great bearing on when and where and how crops were planted and harvested. Now, we never pay a bit of attention. We just buy our wilted, pesticide-treated lettuce at Kroger with not a thought of how it came to be there.

Here is this amazing knowledge and tradition, followed for thousands of years, and then lost in the blink of an eye that is the 20th century.

Okay, off to put the kids back in the crate and take a few more bong hits.

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At 4:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's true people dont really pay attention to that anymore, but get this. My parent grew up in rural Louisiana, seeing as we are cajun. And my mother still cuts her hair to the moon cycles. I never remember what it is, but she would do it with me too when I was younger, but as crazy as is sounds it really does work. At some certain moon phase, if you cut your hair it will take longer to grow out. During another moon phase if you cut your hair it will grow quickly. Thats why you should always listen to your mother.

At 5:09 PM, Blogger Lyle said...

Damn hippies.

At 5:26 PM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

Kortez, that is very cool! Would like to know when. Although, since you have a girl on the way, i should mention that most girls want their hair to grow out quicker. So you will know what the fuck is going on when your daughter is thirteen, has whacked her hair off all by herself, and is now lying on the bathroom floor crying her eyes out and it is somehow all your fault.

Lyle - You know I am no hippie. I think hippies are all into peace, and I am more of a thrive-on-conflict kind of girl. :-)


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