Best of
I think I mentioned that in addition to blogging about stupid stuff here on Dogwood Girl, I also blog about stupid stuff for Metroblogging Atlanta. You can see my latest Metblogs posts in the links over on the right side of this page.
The blogging thing is really just a hobby, and an outlet in the case of Dogwood Girl; I can't afford a therapist. In the case of the Metroblogging posts it is more of an exercise in putting my writing out in front of an unbiased (read: not friends and family) public. I have found that I am more brave about the fiction I am writing since opening up my non-fiction blogging to public scrutiny.
A lot of times people will come right out and say that something sucks, which is fine, and a great way of thickening the skin - Forming scar tissue for the writer, if you will. Recently, though, two of my posts were included in Metroblogging's "Best of" pages. It's not exactly a Booker or a Pulitzer, but it is nice to feel validated for something that you enjoy doing just for the sake of doing it.
Anyway, if you care to check them out, you can see them here and here.
p.s. Beware the Ides of March.
Labels: Metroblogging
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