Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Times Have Changed

Last night, I took a night away from the kids and had a burger at the EARL (best burgers in America!) and then hit the coffee shop to write for a little while. Over dinner on the sidewalk, I read Todd's Men's Journal. There was an article about the 50 Best Places to Live. Two Atlanta towns were on the list. Dahlonegha, which I could see, and Gainesville. Huh? Gainesville was on the "bedroom community" list. Basically, i think they were saying that you could live there and commute to Atlanta every day. Obviously, these jerks don't actually drive in Atlanta, or they would know that a 50-mile commute in Atlanta can take three hours to complete on a bad day.

Also? It's Gainesville.

Wow, got a little off subject there. What I was really thinking, as I ate my Blue Bacon Burger and gazed at The East Side Lounge across the street, was this: Things have really changed for me in less than ten years.

East Side Lounge used to be The Fountainhead. I remember a February night back in 1999, when I left the bar with friends Honey and Andy, and my sister. We were pretty loaded, and as I got in the car with them (Lisa was not so loaded, and she was driving,) we discussed the people we had met that night. Thoughts on Robin's friend, Todd? I believe I said, "He seemed really nice." Then we proceeded to discuss a couple other people Honey and I hadn't seen since college and they looked exactly the same! And then there was that weirdness of seeing two guys that I hooked up with in college. One I made out with on the roof of my boyfriend-at-the-time's house while said boyfriend was in the house below. Everyone who knows me will attest to the fact that I am way classier now, but word to the wise, children - you cheat on your boyfriend, even if it's the only time you have ever cheated, and even if it was only a stupid drunk kiss, you might just end up running into someone you might not want to hanging out with the man you will marry; Karma is a total bitch like that. The other i made out with at a party, then ended up living with platonically later and who turned out to be a total psychopath.

I mean, pretty memorable night! You run into two former hookups and the man you will spend the rest of your life with, all in one night, in one little bar, in one little corner of Atlanta and the world. I was giddy that night, leaving the bar, and I like to think that while part of it was the alcohol, part of it was some deep part of me that felt and knew on an almost cellular level that I had met The One.

I don't know, but things sure have changed since February 1999. Now I am just sitting here blogging in our second house in the same neighborhood, and trying to block out the sound of my kids beating the shit out of each other with Hot Wheels and lunchboxes.

Not that I'm complaining. I kind of like my life better now than i did back then. But I wouldn't mind a drunken evening at The Fountainhead with my husband again, and the following day sans kids to recover. March 31st anyone? March 31st is the night.

Oh, and everybody wish Dogwood Girl's Daddy a big old HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I love you, Dad.

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At 10:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude - Sloan - May 15th - 40 Watt - I invited them to a barbecue before the show.

At 12:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope we're invited to the bbq. :)

I remember that night, Annie. Honey drank blueberry beer. I was driving? Jeez.

At 1:30 PM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

Zach, as lisa said, We are invited, right? Send us directions. And advance notice on date and time. It would be fun to come up for a night and hang out with y'all!

Yes, Lisa, that was the night. Funny you remember the blueberry beer. And when was the last time i was depended on to drive when we went out? I think it was when you were 15 and I was 17.

At 2:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course you gals can come. The more cold beer and hot women the better. I'll keep you updated. Keep yur panties on.

At 2:55 PM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

We still have the "I like cold beer and hot women" coozie at the lake. Was that yours? i can't remember. ha.

Seriously, that would be really, really fun! I wanna get a babysitter and come up! I feel terrible that we never see you and you are so close.

Where are you living now? Wait. don't answer that on here. You can email me now.

At 3:44 PM, Blogger jasonaut said...

happy birthday dad.

anne, get a baby sitter on saturday march 31, for the spring fling mixer and dance at casa jasonaut in grant park.

At 4:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cold beer and Sloan makes my clothes fall off!

At 7:13 PM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

Okay, Jasonaut, i have no idea if you are joking about the spring fling mixer or not. Here is the deal - Me and my girls and their SOs have been trying FOREVER to get all of us together and go out. It is like all the girls go out, or all the guys go out, but we never ALL go out like we used to, so I have a babysitter already for that night. Just don't know what we are doing. We are still throwing around ideas. Does this mean party at your house? Because I am sure that we could all be persuaded to go to a party. We were thinking bar, but backyard parties are the best. And you have a great backyard.

Leelee - you are still my little slut sister and don't let anyone tell you that you've gone mild.

At 8:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My friend Julie lives in Gainesville- which, btw, is only 3 exits up from me. She LOVES it, so there you go.

At 9:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait Camille...your house is actually IN Georgia? What time zone is that up there?

At 2:40 PM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

I was kidding about Gainesville. I don't think it would be a bad place to live. I just don't think it is realistic to advertise it as a great bedroom community, since commuting from there to Atlanta would suck donkey dicks.

At 8:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lee lee- If Murph does the leg kicky your panties WILL come down.

I wonder what will happen when he does his finger pointy in the air?

Zach - Count me in, too.


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