Saturday, June 09, 2007

Holy Crap. I Ran Seven Miles.

Wrote this up yesterday and forgot to click Publish:

Long day. Got up with kiddos at 7 am. Fixed breakfast and changed diapers. Waited till Todd got up and then went for my run at 9 a.m. Would have liked to go earlier, but Todd had only had a few hours of sleep the night before, so I didn't want to wake him.

Anyway, did my 7 miler today. I am kind of amazed that I did it. If you had told me six months ago that I would be able to run from my house in East Atlanta, all the way to Grant Park, and back, I would have told you that was crazy talk. I walked parts (hill up Ormewood to Boulevard? Riiiiighht.. . sure, I'm gonna run up that thing. No problem.) But for the most part, I ran it. I conquered some smaller hills that would have beaten me a month or so ago, so that was good. Also, my pace was faster than last week's six miler, although not as fast as the 6 mile run of a couple weeks ago. I brought water this time, and didn't wait until noon. I am smart like that.

In other exciting parts of my run, I was allowed to refill my water at the lovely home of Carrie and Charlotte in Ormewood (many thanks to them - I miscalculated my water stops this time around), and I witnessed the Start of a race at the Brownwood Bike Rally, which probably messed up part of my time, but was kind of cool to see. There was a kid on a tricycle, and a guy on a unicycle. Pretty awesome.

I was back in time to just about kill myself getting myself and kids dressed for Scarlett's birthday party, and to clean house in case random buyers wanted to purchase said house, which - let's be honest - ain't ever gonna happen.

All in all, a lovely day. Proud of me, proud of my ability to skip cupcakes after the 7 miles. Maybe I will lose a freakin' pound one of these days.

Below, the resisted cupcakes, being consumed by husband and kids.

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At 5:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I could run that far. I'm still finishing up 2-3 miles and thinking, damn I'm tired.

and sorry if I'm asking a dumb question, but are you moving? (with the whole picking up for prospective buyers)

At 9:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn I'm glad you didn't post any of the pics of me from the party!

At 1:40 AM, Blogger Mike Maier said...

I am impressed with your running/biking/swimming... it sounds like you have been kickin' ass. We found shadow of the wind last summer at a vacation rental house. It is such a good book. Want to hear your opinion. Looking forward to seeing you soon-- Kat

At 11:13 AM, Blogger StephB said...

Way to resist the cupcakes, because they look delicious!

And 7 miles? You kick ass!!

At 11:17 AM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

Actually, i don't have a hard time resisting ice cream and cupcakes. They did look good, though.

Seven miles - yeah, i was pretty proud of myself.


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