Saturday, May 26, 2007

How I Became a Mean Girl

There is a reason that I have always preferred friendships with guys over friendships with girls. Sure, I have found in my older years that it is nice to have girlfriends, that they understand the singular difficulty surrounding being a daughter, wife, and mother, but women are all so sensitive. Men, on the other hand, never get their feelings hurt, and you can bribe them with the promise of sexual favors and never make good on those, and they will still be your friend, for like 20 + years and going strong. (Seriously, guys, I am totally good for those promises. I promise. Just another ten years or so.)

I am not a sensitive person. I don't know if I am self-absorbed, or if I am just clueless. I do know that my guy friends don't have their feelings hurt about things, and then not say anything to me about it for months, while instead talking to other friends about how I hurt their feelings, while I sit around having no fucking clue that I hurt their feelings in the first place. Usually, the first friend's confidante in turn tells me about having hurt Friend 1's feelings, but with the caveat that I can't tell the first friend that I know that her feelings are hurt, thereby making it impossible for me to rectify the problem or apologize to Friend #1 without being a bad friend to Friend #2.

This is complete bullshit. If you have your feelings hurt, just fucking tell me. Otherwise, move on. Guys don't seem to get their feelings hurt, and if they do, they sure as hell don't talk about it to other people, and they don't hold grudges. They get over it.

People, I just like to have a good time drinking margaritas and beer on the beach. I don't really care who is sitting there with me. All are welcome. I buy what I can afford at the time. Contrary to popular belief, everything I do is not a calculated move to hurt people. Hell, nothing I do is calculated. I don't usually know what I am going to do in the next ten minutes, much less have a Machiavellian plan for being the Queen Bee or a Mean Girl.

Oh, and another thing? The clique thing? So eighth grade. Can't we all just be adults and get along? Better yet, can't we actually bring in some new blood every once in a while? We are thirty, not eighty. I still enjoy meeting new people. It makes life interesting. Let's live a little.


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At 1:20 PM, Blogger Mike Maier said...

Damn, Heather. I can't wait to read the comments on this one!
Its not always an advantage, but being self-absorbed and clueless can have its moments. I'm so self-absorbed and clueless I can't remember you promising me anything 20 years ago...

At 9:33 PM, Blogger Dorothy Gould said...

Ok, I won't comment on my BABY brothers comment, but Anne, I hear ya! When I moved down here from NJ and went off to college in M'ville, they nicknamed me "Mrs. Blunt". Guess they didn't like the fact that I would tell you what I thought of you, rather than being nice to your face, then nasty behind your back. Maybe I was naive, but that was a new one on me. In my family, you just laid it out there, the good, the bad and the ugly! Age and motherhood have mellowed me, but I think I am still pretty much a straightforward type of girl.

At 9:34 PM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

ha! I was just having a moment. If anyone reads it, no hard feelings, huh? Just needed to vent.

Concerning favors - I do not believe you were in the crowd that exchanged promises of sexual favors for everything down to who would ride shotgun. None of these were ever "cashed in" of course. All in good fun.

Cheers yourself.

At 9:36 PM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

Yep, Dorothy - I have heard the same thing. I am a very blunt person, but somewhat better in my old age. Except when i get frustrated, like this situation. Luckily, i have Dogwood Girl, and I can vent, vent, vent.

At 8:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love my dead gay son...

At 3:27 PM, Blogger Lyle said...

What's your damage, Anne?

Growing up with only brothers, and not dating all that much in high school, it really wasn't until I was an adult and heard from Denise about all of the behind the scenes drama that I came to understand the simple truth that Girls Are Mean.

P.S. This would have been a way better post if you had named names and told us what set you off.

At 2:31 PM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

Favors - That ship had sailed even back then. :-) Shotgun to Dairy Queen.

Lyle - you made me laugh. You didn't date much in high school? huh. I am kidding. anyway, no, the post was more about me dumping my frustration than about being directed at any particular person. Also, any time I can write about being a kid or a teenager is fun for me, so it was funny that this stuff made me think about the sexual favors game.

Mom, if you are reading this, the sexual favors never had to be dispensed; I just promised them. I am a good girl. Kind of.

At 8:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting post, Anne. Obviously, I have NO idea what you're talking about since I haven't seen you in months (well, except for yesterday!). But, anyway, I think this post is why we're still friends. If I forget to call, you don't get mad. If you hurt my feelings, I tell you right then and there. Works for me!

At 9:47 AM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

I had fun yesterday, Camille! Thanks for the invite. I sent you an email about trivia with jas and Ev one night in the future.

Also, let's find out when joe is out of town and do a slumber party.


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