Friday, June 01, 2007


So, I pride myself on the fairly healthy meals we serve to the children. I cook most nights and we eat at home a lot, but I am not a nazi about it. My kids are really healthy eaters, and will eat a lot, including the good stuff. They eat broccoli, green beans, and even salad. No, I am not kidding. I am very proud of myself for having the balls to continue giving them things until they learn to like them, because teaching kids to eat veggies is not for the faint of heart.

We do usually eat out on Thursday and/or Friday nights. It is kind of a tradition in the family. Another tradition is that if the kids are good, I let them have the golden arches for lunch on Fridays. Sure, it is bribery ("If you are good in school all week, then you can have french fries on Friday.") but every good parent knows that bribes are part of the game.

The problem with McD's Fridays is that I have NO WILLPOWER when it comes to ordering them the french fries, and me the salad or whatever else is healthy on the menu. (I wouldn't know what is healthy on the menu, because I've never once opted for the healthy choice when at a drive-through window.)

That may change, though. Call me an exercise anorexic or what you will, but I had the Quarter Pounder with Cheese Value meal (with diet coke, of course!) and I felt like crap afterwards. Decided I would maybe go to the gym to work it off.

Here's the deal:

Calories in Quarter Pounder with Cheese = 510
Calories in Large Fries = 570
Calories burned in one hour of swimming (what i thought i would do today as cross-training, since i am doing my long run tomorrow) = For my weight, a little over 563 calories.

I would have to swim for two hours straight to work off that fucking burger and fries. I am never eating them again. Ever.

Tell me I said that if you ever see me eat that shit again.

Then duck.

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At 3:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha, I do the same thing, except with beer. I keep telling myself. I'm not going to drink any alcohol on days that I work (unless there is some special occasion) Until I have a hard day at work and I drink a few adn then I'm pissed that I drink something. of course then I'm drunk.

At 4:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very proud of you for quitting McD's, Anne. Now don't ask me for any beer tonight, either. MINES.

At 4:23 PM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

I said mcd's. Not beer. Quittin beer? That's just crazy talk. I was thinking more along the lines of no beer tonight, run my six tomorrow, drink six tomorrow night, have hangover for baby shower with the women of your family on Sunday.

At 4:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And go to McD's on your way to baby shower.

At 7:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well I didnt mean I was going to QUIT beer, just not drink as much.
QUITTING BEER? whatcha talkin about.

At 8:07 PM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

To clarify. Quitting Quarter Pounders. Not quitting beer.

At 7:06 AM, Blogger StephB said...

There are way less calories in beer than in McD's (and candy and cake). You have to drink 2-3 beers to equal the fries or the burger.

Doug thinks that we actually continue burning calories at a higher rate post-exercise, which is why exercise is so good. But I'm not so sure. Noticing the calories really does help me avoid bad stuff, though - like those yummy candies in the bowl at work. If you think of how long it will take to burn them off, they are not as appetizing.

At 8:46 AM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

I think what Steph is trying to say here is that beer is actually good for me. Right? :-)

Actually, Steph, I think Doug is probably right about burning long after you stop exercising.

and yes, the burger is so much less appetizing when seen through the lens of the exercise.

At 12:41 PM, Blogger Nat said...

Steph's right. Beer is good for you. I think of it like this: Egyptians use to drink beer. They were an amazing acient people. I am absolutely certain that beer had something to do with all that cool architecture. How could it not? McD's though, they definitely did not have. I could even go so far as to say that McD's could be blamed--along with hiphop--with the decline of civilization. I know I know, these are huge statements that only a PhD dissertation might do justice but I don't have time for that so let me get to the point and say pick your vice and choose wisely. Pick beer ditch the fries. You won't go wrong. Tack on an extra mile tomorrow. See how smart beer has made me?

At 2:03 PM, Blogger StephB said...

I hope he is right because 3 fast miles of running doesn't even burn one cookie, according to my Garmin.

However, not only does beer make you smart (as Nat mentioned), it is also full of B-vitamins if you are drinking craft beer. And wine is from the fruit group. During football season last year, we had a bet to see which beer had the most calories and it wasn't Guiness.

At 2:04 PM, Blogger StephB said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 8:06 PM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

Okay, y'all are making me feel better.


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