This is Ironic
So, I am almost 36 and I still feel like I am 26, maybe even 16 on a good day. I still think of myself and my friends, even the ones pushing 40, as "us kids" and the parents, teachers, etc. as "them." "The old people." "The man." Whatever.
When my friend Tara was made "Room Mother" for her son's class, I laughed. It was an evil laugh.
So, it is with much dismay that I find myself in the position of a pending nomination to a position on the board of the PTFuckingA at my son's preschool.
I am not kidding people. Anyone who knows me can vouch for this: This is the sign of the Apocalypse.
Labels: I'm An Adult Now, Parenting is Fucking Hard, Preschool, PTA, Tara, The Man
Call it ironic; call it absurd. Any way you slice it, there is no way any of us are qualified to make adult decisions that affect other people.
--which leads to the inevitable corollary: 'So our parents really were just making this stuff up as they went along.'
So true. I have so much more respect for my parents now that I have children.
Annie, Welcome to the wonderful world of children in school. Trust me, it only gets worse. I had no IDEA all the crap I was in for this year with a Kindergardener. Volunteering in the classroom seemed like a good idea, and really I do enjoy seeing my daughter interact with the other kids, but I was lost on some of the worksheets and activities they are doing. Luckily, the kids were able to fill me in. Lord help me when she gets to real math....
Math? Oh, Dear God. I am in trouble.
Oh yea, I am totally winging it but thankfully some of the experienced moms remind me of the stuff I should be doing. You should see Dusty coaching 4 year old soccer. He looks like he wants to surrender half way though. I vote for you Anne!
Tara, the difference here is that you are nice. No one ever says that about me!
Just wait until you have to make the crappy rules at PTA and plan the fund-raiser. Ick.
Annie + Planning Fundraiser = Does Not Compute
I say you are very nice (like it or not you are).
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