Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Meaning of 8

I am totally digging the new Cloud Cult album The Meaning of 8. It's kind of quirky like Flaming Lips. Kind of atmospheric. Seems like it would be a good album to trip to, but I am way too old for that now. Todd thinks it sounds like Tortoise, but I think Tortoise is a total snooze, so I don't see that. The album title makes me think of this book that I loved called The Eight. (Not great literature, but just one of those entertaining quest reads, kind of like The DaVinci Code. A great beach read kind of book.) And I love the 8s scattered throughout the lyrics, like clues to a puzzle that I am supposed to solve.

Favorite tracks: Chain Reaction, Chemicals Collide, Dance for the Dead.

Of course, I've only been listening for a couple of days. So those favorite tracks could change. I am pretty confident, though, that going into September as we are, this is a likely top ten of the year for me.

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