Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Old Photos

I love old photos. I am in the process of scanning and uploading all of my old family photos to Flickr. I do it whenever I am at Mom and Dad's house. (They have all the old picture albums.) Last time I was there, I was uploading some of them and another Flickr member saw them, liked them, and added me as a Contact. I added him. This happens all the time on Flickr, but there is something about this guy, and the photos that he puts up, that makes me think we are kindred spirits. Tons of old pictures and tons of nature shots. I look forward to seeing him post more pictures and am always on the lookout for his new photos.

Here is a photograph that he found at an antique mall. I just adore it. It is from 1916, and it seems like so many old photos are forced and serious. Not this one! For all we know, the adults in the background are performing a marriage ceremony, or talking at a family reunion, or speaking to the preacher after a funeral. But not these rascals cutting up in the foreground! I just love it. Hope you like it, too.


At 4:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a great pic. I also love all the old clothes.


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