Thursday, May 15, 2008
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One Time I Said
- I Pledge Allegiance
- New School
- Ruth
- Kinda Sad Road Trip
- Why, Oh Why?
- I'm Going to Hell
- Heartwarming Milestone: Rollie's First Bottle of R...
- I am in love
- We Aren't Expecting Again. Ever.
- Sign of the Apocalypse
Me Likey
- Adventures in Parenting
- Arc of Time
- The Athens Blawg
- Atlanta Music Guide
- The Austin Affair
- Baby Got Books
- Bad Vibes
- Cable and Tweed
- Chunklet
- Criminal Records
- Dooce
- Drive a Faster Car
- Harris and Anne
- Kite Chronicles
- Resident Aliens
- imMEDIAte Graham
- Jasonaut
- Man Under Stress
- Mostly Muppet
- Neal Pollack's Alternadad
- The Negative Split
- Paste: Atlanta Pecanne Log ::: Ladyblogging Atlanta
- Pecanne Log ::: Ladyblogging Atlanta
- The Wren's Nest Online

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 License.
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Oh. My. god.
I know. I secretly posted it because i am just jealous. Lisa, you must be anonymous, and you are just jealous, too. Don't be a Battlestar Hater. Just give in. You love your Bro.
god, i wish I still had that shirt.
YES, it might be a little tight, but that's what the ladies like.
Damn, baby. . . that bsg shirt and my new toilet brush and we could have us a role-playing evening of fun. . .
For a short time in middle school, I wanted to go by the name "Cassie" because of that show. Todd and I would have been friends back then, if we both hadn't been quietly sketching in the back of the classroom alone, trying not to get overly noticed.
why aren't you at work, shiney?
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