Tuesday, May 13, 2008

New School

7:45 am
[Enter room and see Rollie watching The Jetsons on Boomerang.]
Rollie: Mama, you know what I'm watching?
Me: The Jetsons?
Rollie: Yeah. . . . You like Jetsons, Mama?
Me: Yeah, it was one of my faves when I was a girl. You kicking it old school, or what?
Rollie [staring at me like I am the dumbest person on earth:] No, I'm going to a new school.

Always the little literalist.

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At 8:54 PM, Blogger Dorothy Gould said...

Anne, So funny and so true. Ask Mike about his brothers being "paid under the table". I think he was about 6 and asked why they had to go under the table to get paid?

I tried the Jetsons and Flintstones with Sophie, she didn't like either, Rollie rocks.

At 8:31 AM, Blogger DogwoodGirl said...

Ha. Paid under the table. Love how they don't get that stuff! Our trick is before we go to bed, we put it on Boomerang. So, if Rollie wakes up and wants to watch something, he can turn on the tv, but doesn't know how to change channels.

Yes, we are brainwashing him.

At 9:54 PM, Blogger Camille said...

hilarious! read my blog for a similar story- about to post it right now...by the way, you still have the wrong link to my blog on this site...


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