Friday, June 27, 2008
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He doesn't look like an alien worm - he looks sweet.
I guess we can cut your bil some slack. He does look sweet, not at all like an alien worm. That shows up more when they are howling to be fed, in my experience.
He is so sweet!
Thanks, y'all! I still think they all look like little wormies, though.
I think they are coming home today!
He's beautiful. Congratulations, Aunt! Personally, I think it's *awake* newborns that look odd. Eyes all googly and no muscle control... but asleep? Perfection.
Awake, we think they look like turtles. The way they move their necks and all. :)
Thanks, K! You know, they do kind of look like turtles. . .
Aw, he's beautiful! Looks like a good little sleeper...
He is beautiful! Congrats Aunt Anne!
Mom and baby are doing great! Can't wait to show off my nephew at a playgroup!
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