This Must Be The Place
I was reading the New York Times online yesterday morning, and came across a pretty long article on the band Arcade Fire, whom I love. They have a new album out, er . . . coming out tomorrow, officer, I swear I never illegally downloaded any of it already, cross my heart and hope to die. The new album, Neon Bible is totally not a disappointment, as those things can be sometimes; I am digging on it, and it was the weekend-without-children soundtrack. You should go out and buy it today (putting money in their brilliant pockets, and maybe those of good ole Mac and Laura - of Superchunk fame - and their label Merge. Love me some Merge. And if you have not heard the Arcade Fire's debut, Funeral, well . . . get thee to a music store! You will not be disappointed, although you will be late to the game.
Funny Arcade Fire aside: They were in one of the skits on their recent SNL appearance and it was really hilarious, because, well, Rainn Wilson from The Office, and Arcade Fire. I tried to find a Youtube link and got overwhelmed, because evidently the internet brings into focus the fact that I do not have focus. (U2 and Arcade Fire doing "Love Will Tear Us Apart;" Arcade Fire and Bowie doing "Wake Up" and "Five Years." Holy Shit!!!" I will die on YouTube.)
And that brings me, quite roundaboutedly (it's a word, because I just made it up) to the point:
Arcade Fire. David Byrne. Together on a stage. DOING MY FAVORITE SONG OF ALL-TIME.
First of all, to all you lucky motherfuckers who happened to go to an Arcade Fire show in NYC and then had the unexpected pleasure of seeing them joined on stage by David Byrne, and then to realize that they were doing "This Must Be The Place (The Naive Melody)" - Well, I hope you all die, especially those of you who didn't recognize the song, and so didn't get how huge it would be to see the whole thing. For the one person who managed to get a little video of it and post it on YouTube - I love you and want to have your babies, and why couldn't you have gotten the sound just a bit better, because really, the sound is so disappointing, but beggars can't be choosers.
I cannot imagine. Okay, I can try to imagine the completely elated mindfuck of this whole moment, but really, how many Arcade Fire fans really even knew this song? It was old when I first heard it thanks to an ex. I immediately loved it. I have never stopped loving it. Boyfriend? Long gone. Still love the song, though. Everything about the unabashed cuteness of it and the way that it is so starry-eyed and dramatic, just like teenage lovers, and about how it still rings even more true and honest and sincere now that I actually know about adult love and what home really is. And God Almighty do I love that cowbell at the end. That cowbell is my soul ringing out joyously every time I hear it.
Best. Song. Ever.
Oh, yeah, and about how I get sidetracked and lost on the great Internet? Try to find something about Byrne and the Arcade Fire show and come across David Byrne's blog, and not only find his thoughts on playing with Arcade Fire, but also an interesting entry about his visit to Savannah and SCAD with his daughter. How weird would it be to be in Savannah and run into David Byrne? At Lady and Sons, no less. And then I look at the date and it was written right after the weekend we were there. Damn. Of course, Todd has already had his run-in with Byrne and his bicycle, but it could happen twice, right?
Labels: Arcade Fire, Favorite Song, love, Music
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Let's try that again. Here is the sketch with Rainn and the band.
Thanks, Lyle! Funny stuff.
Oh my god. Thank you for posting that. I LOVE that song. You made me love that song and it's still one of my favorite songs. And David Bryne is still really cute how he dances all around. Now if you could just find him singing, "And he looks so his little red suit!" rEally makes you wanna wake the baby up.
I am sure you could find that one on YouTube. Might keep you occupied.
I flipped when I read the article and it mentioned them doing the cover with him.
Were you blogging while drunk again?
Howsabout some punctuation and grammar checks, darlin?
I got people.
Um, wel, wen U hav a blog, U can punktuaite it any way U want, smartass.
awesome. awesome. awesome. I love it that you can at least get a little bit of the magic when there is no way you can get to all the great shows. My good friend in Charleston also had a run in with Mr. Byrne on his bike- I've always been a little jealous...
He must spend a lot of time on his bike. . . .
We went to the third show of the five. Me, Anne, and about 750 bloggers. Seriously, everyone was either recording the show, taking notes and scribbling setlists, or photographing every moment. We did see Laura Ballance, David Byrne, and (not 100% positive, he was a long ways away) Lou Reed. All-star turnout. Fun show, kinda felt special to be there.
Reese! That is cool. So, which night did Byrne do the cover with them? I know I am bitchy, but if you didn't see it, I am glad, because I would be so jealous of you, i think i would die. It is hard to hate you, but that might bring it about. Much easier to hate strangers.
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