Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Victim's Reparations

I think Comcast should pay some kind of reparations for the crap we have dealt with this week. First of all, the cable goes out while the kids and todd go out of town. So, I actually had to find stuff to do with myself. Like read. Or leave the house.

Then, we find out we can't have service fixed until today. So, all of the shows that I normally watch or record are not being watched or recorded. Battlestar, Saturday Night Live, Brothers and Sisters, American Idol, Prison Break - All missed episodes. Not to mention that the box was supposedly messed up, so they gave us a new one, meaning that everything we had already recorded was now wiped out: Prison Break and two American Idols from last week, Lost, The Office, Scrubs, Grey's Anatomy (five episodes I hadn't watched!!!!). All disappeared forever into the ether.

Then, the guy gets here and tells us that our cable has been cut, which is why we don't have service. Which I could have told him, because I had already tried watching cable over the weekend the old-fashioned way, just running the cable directly to the t.v. - No signal. But he had already killed my old box with the recordings on it. GRRRRRR.

Icing on top? We have a whole new cable from the tap to our house, but they are going to have to come out on March 15th to bury the whole damn thing. And it runs all the way from the box, around the left side of our house, around the back, and back down the right side of the house. So, more than halfway around the house has to be re-trenched.

If somebody fucks up my azaleas and hydrangeas, I am really gonna flip.

Makes me wonder if the boob tube is really worth it.

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At 8:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think going with Blockbuster (my choice over Netflix) is the way to go. Stay one season behind on all your shows. Much cheaper than cable too. 'Course we did just get basic cable, so for $13 a month I can watch 4 episodes of Survivor. Probably worth it. Yeah, I'm way in the stone ages with this stuff. We're still using the VCR when we need to record something. Funny, huh?

At 9:16 PM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

You know, actually, if it was just me, that is probably what I would do.
I even talked with Todd about canceling it. He didn't go for it. He claims he needs to be able to watch commercials for work or something.

You are not stone ages - you are frugal. What happened to Shifty? I need a Reese update.

At 7:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good news. You can watch Prison Break episodes on Fox.com. Abc might do it as well.

At 8:32 AM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

Yep, I think i will do that today. It is just not the same online. A little jerky.

At 8:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are more than welcome to come and watch my tivo'd epsiodes of Am Idol. I don't have Prison Break, but I do have Grey's and some others that you probably watch. I'd enjoy the company. Haven't seen you in awhile...

At 8:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is my worst nitemare. I am so addicted to my tivo and i would cry if all my episodes got deleted. Ugh.

The Office was a rerun last week. :)

At 10:06 AM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

Phew. Good to know about the Office. Camille, I appreciate it the offer, but I had like five Grey's episodes on there that I hadn't watched, so i was very behind. Also, i am trying to not act like a slave to my t.v., so I am just moving forward after this tragedy. We need to get together, though, because Rollie keeps wanting to show stuff to Charla.

So, let me know next time Joe is out of town and we will come spend the night.

At 10:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah yes, blame it on ME for wanting to have cable. Riiiiiiiight.

At 10:39 AM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

I'm not blaming it on you. I'm not saying i don't want it. I'm just saying that three times I offered for us to cut it off, and you turned all three offers down. That's all I'm saying. Love you.

At 11:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Honey, Don't pay the cable company for the days you were without. Divide bill by number of days, get amount and subtract from you payment - with explanation of course. I have done this....twice. Worked for me.

Love you!!!

At 11:14 AM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

Thanks, Mom. Love you too. Any other words of wisdom you'd like to share with the Internet? We are listening.

At 11:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mom - you're so savvy.



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