Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe
This is another post about the games and toys and things that I did as a kid that were seemingly forever lost to memory once I grew up.
It started yesterday a few weeks ago, when Rollie and I were getting mail. We live on a cul-de-sac, so there is not a lot of traffic and he was in the street with me at the mailbox when a car rounded the corner, and almost involuntarily, I yelled out, "CARRRRR!!!!!!" just as if I was back in front of Owen Kinney's parents' house playing ball. I had totally forgotten about the unspoken knowledge of "CARRRRR!!!" and it came back completely unbidden.
Then yesterday, we were picking up a new chair at Pier One, and the guys working the store gave each of the kids a Chinese Yo-Yo. Todd brought them out and I looked at them, and they looked familiar, but it was just one of the those items completely lost to memory. Then Rollie, with a flick of his wrist, brought it all back to me. It was a spiraling, papery, magic on a stick. I laughed out loud, right there in the car.
Then today, another one popped up: The kids are learning about sharing, but Rollie thinks that sharing is only something that Tiller has to do with him, and does not really get that the reverse is true also. So, after about five minutes of tears, throwing of cars, biting, and me refereeing, I decided it was time for learning about equal division of property. I pried them apart from one another, their chests heaving with the exertion of having tried to kill one another over a pile of one dollar Matchbox cars, then I took the cars, and i put them into the plastic bin they are stored in, and placed the bin between the two kid. Both reached immediately for a car.
"Uh-unh-unh," I said. "Not so fast."
They put their cars back in the bin and looked at me.
"Now, each of you put out a fist."
Rollie got this, but Tiller put out two fists, grinning at me for praise. I put one of her fists back in her lap.
"Mama, what about the cars?" Rollie said.
I said, "Well, we're going to divide them up evenly."
Rollie looked at me like I was crazy.
"Ready?" I said.
"Eenie meenie, meiny mo," I said, alternately bopping my fist on each of their fists, one after the other, in time to each syllable, "Catch a tiger by his toe, if he hollers, let'im go. Eenie meenie, meiny, mo."
At that point, it was like I was in a trance, as the following poured forth: "My. Mother. Told. Me. To. Pick. The. Very. Best. One. And. You. Are. Not. It!"
The kids loved it.
Talk about magic. And it was like one of those magical parenting moments, too, because now all they want to do is figure out whose turn it is to pick first as they divide stuff up.
Yes, I am God's gift to parenting.
On another note, as the words "Catch a tiger by his toe" came out of my mouth, I thought to my self, how would you do that? Why a Tiger?
Doesn't take a Southern girl long to figure out what her grandparents, and probably even her parents, said instead of "tiger" on their playground. And then I realized that this little ditty was probably a good deal older than me and my friends playing Hide and Seek in the front yard, so I Googled it.
If you want to know the history of the whole Eeny, meeny, miny, moe rhyme, you can find info here. Equally as creepy as kids singing the Ring Around the Rosy rhyme if it were actually a plague rhyme, which evidently is not the case.
Labels: childhood, Parenthood Rocks, Toys
Great Post! That brought back a lot of memories for me too. I had to think for a minute what a chinese yo yo was. Sophie learned paper, rock, scissors last year, and that was big in our house for awhile too. And yes, you ARE God's gift to parenting!
That was quite interesting! Most entertaining research paper on the origins and uses of popular childrens rhymes I've ever read.
Glad you liked it, Dorothy. Did you do "One Potato, Two Potato" too?
LOL - God's gift, i think not.
Definitely need to teach Rollie rock paper scissors. . . .
Robbie, if you really thought it was interesting, I will give you a book on origins of British nursery rhymes. It is really fascinating: Heavy Words, Lightly Thrown.
Yes, we actually did "one potato, two potato" more than eeny meeny. Here's a question for you remember Spud? I can't remember the rules exactly, but we would play it in the street in the summer, it involved hitting a ball up into the air and spelling out the word Spud, and players trying to get away before the ball was caught. Sounds convoluted, I know, maybe my bro Mike can remember more about it. Or maybe it was just a crazy NJ thing....
Hmmm. that sounds really familiar, but not sure why. Hopefully, one of my boys from the neighborhood growing up will read this and remember it.
Mostly we played Hide and seek, Ghost in the Graveyard, Kick the Can, and Capture the Flag. Oh, and the oh-so-PC Smear the Queer. (lovely.) Kickball. Football, and soccer. Basketball, but I was always terrible at it. And as we got older, a good bit of Truth or Dare. :-)
Good times. Hope my kids get to play all that stuff, too.
We used to play "Smear the Queer" too though I don't remember understanding the derivation of the name. I knew it was bad, though, because my aunt sanitized it to "Tackle the Man with the Ball." Which sounds much less queer.
We are doing knock, knock jokes at our house.
Hmmm. Interesting, Steph. I think if our parents in the old neighborhood had attempted the sanitization, we would have totally ignored it anyway.
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