Memorial Day. Lake. Again.
We pretty much go to the lake every Memorial Day. Especially now that we have kids. It is free, sunny, and not home.
Labels: Memorial Day, Rollie, The Lake, Tiller, Turtle Pool
We pretty much go to the lake every Memorial Day. Especially now that we have kids. It is free, sunny, and not home.
Labels: Memorial Day, Rollie, The Lake, Tiller, Turtle Pool
I cannot believe i am not more tired after running six miles and then helping my sister move all day. Also? Ikea is affordable for a reason: You have to put a LOT of shit together. Like, seriously, hundreds of small pieces.
Labels: running
There is a reason that I have always preferred friendships with guys over friendships with girls. Sure, I have found in my older years that it is nice to have girlfriends, that they understand the singular difficulty surrounding being a daughter, wife, and mother, but women are all so sensitive. Men, on the other hand, never get their feelings hurt, and you can bribe them with the promise of sexual favors and never make good on those, and they will still be your friend, for like 20 + years and going strong. (Seriously, guys, I am totally good for those promises. I promise. Just another ten years or so.)
Labels: Drama, Friendship, Girl Talk, Womanhood
I have been exercising a lot lately. I wish I could do all the things in my life that I just don't have time to do. Exercise more? Blog less. If I could just figure out how to get, like, 48 hours into one day. In the meantime, I guess I will combine the two.
I've written about how my brother-in-law calls our girls' nights "Girls Gone Mild." Not this past Saturday. I felt like complete and total ass on Sunday morning. Totally worth it, though, as it was good to go out and get a little crazy with the girls. Note to self: Beer good. Jagermeister shots bad. Especially after aforementioned beer.
Labels: Drinking, Girls Gone Mild, Gravity, Kit, Lisa, Me, Nessie, Robin
Yep. You heard me.
Labels: Field Day, Parents These Days, Rollie
I thought that I liked nature, but I was wrong. We got home late last night (9 pm, go ahead and snicker - Todd and I already had a good laugh at ourselves and the sorry state of our Friday nights) and put the kids down. They usually go to sleep between 7:30 and 8:00, but last night didn't go down until 9:00. I foolishly thought this might mean I'd get an extra hour to sleep in this morning. I will never know if that was possible now, because at 6:30, Rollie came into our room complaining about a little noise that was "making me not sleepy." After much discussion, during which I may have been still partially asleep, we came to the conclusion that we have a Goddamn woodpecker.
Labels: Fucking Woodpecker, Rollie, Sleep
More often than not, Todd will read to Rollie before bedtime, and I will read and put Tiller down. When I do get the opportunity to put both kids down for the evening, like last night when Todd went out with friends, I am always amazed at how far Rollie has come in his reading.
Labels: I am God's Gift to Parenting, Reading, Rollie
I was in the grocery store this morning, pushing the cart out the sliding doors to the parking lot. One of the guys in charge of retrieving the carts from the cart corral walked out to the car with me. He asked me if I liked the car kind of buggy. (I call it a "race cart;" It is the buggy with a car on the front of it for the kids to sit in, and it is a fucking bitch to navigate a grocery store with one of them, but it beats having them throwing your groceries out of the cart while you are not looking.)
Labels: I am God's Gift to Parenting, Kroger, Parents These Days
So, this is kinda sad, but my favorite part of running is that I get to listen to music, without interruption, for the entire time I run. That never happens to me anymore. I am constantly besieged by Rollie wanting to hear the "hoohoo" song, which is the Peter Bjorn and John song, Young Folks, that Rollie likes to dance to (I blogged about it here a while ago). If I never hear it again, it will be too soon. He has some other faves, and I have to say that he has great taste in music, but he needs to learn moderation. He is still at the point where he wants to hear things over and over and over and over and . . . well, you get the idea.
"It's Mother's Day. That means we have to be nice to Mama."
Labels: mom, Mother's Day, todd
One of the fun things about having a husband in the biz is that after shoots, we get our pick from the wardrobe. Now, sometimes it is crap, but yesterday's haul was better than usual. Except that two pairs of the cute shoes were not even remotely big enough to fit me. These Vision Street Wear sneaks were, though!
My friend Vanessa and I had this very long, drawn-out discussion of the influence of dolls on young girls, and of marketing of sexualized toys to girls, etc. the other night over margaritas. Yes, I do most of my sorting out of world problems while under the influence of alcohol. To make a long story short, we are both very concerned about the media and other outside influences on our daughters, and about how we can minimize these influences in their lives.
Labels: Drinking, Gender, Parenting is Fucking Hard, Vanessa
I got mad at my hair yesterday. I should say that over the past month or so, I have become increasingly dissatisfied with the gnarled knots I have to untangle every day in the shower. I haven't had a haircut in . . . well, I don't remember the last time I had my hair cut. I don't know why it is, except that one can't very well walk into a salon with two kids and spend hours having a cut and color, so I have just given up on my hair. My life is a constant vying of interests, hobbies, and duties for my precious time, and, well, I'm just not a very vain person. Proud to a fault, yes. Vain about my physical appearance? Not really. My hair gets short shrift every time. Not that I don't like having a new cut and color. I love it. But i hate the time involved in the process, so it gets pushed to the back burner and neglected for months on end.
Labels: hair, Hormones, Spontaneity, todd
I've written about how I just don't have time to keep up with new music like I used to do. It frustrates me at times that music is just one more thing that gets short shrift in my life next to my children. I think that means I am a good parent, but I still miss buying a new CD (and holding it and opening it, and smelling it, and reading all the liner notes while I listen).
Labels: Grrrl Power, MTV2, Music
Okay, I know that I said here that American Idol is indicative of everything that is wrong with our world, but I think that I was too quick to pin the blame on one source. After receiving it in the mail yesterday, and then flipping through it in the bathroom this morning while taking a shit, it became quite apparent that the same can be said for the Pottery Barn Kids catalog.
Labels: Grrrrrr, Parents These Days, Pottery Barn
I wrote here about my workouts, and obviously, if you read Dogwood Girl, you know about my battle with my weight (which is really just a battle with my love for food and drink). Well, I read the most interesting article in The New York Times this morning about the fat-burning effects of interval training. Basically, that means that you alternate spurts of all out exertion with periods of moderate exertion in whatever activity you are doing.
After interval training, the amount of fat burned in an hour of continuous moderate cycling [for example] increased by 36 percent.
I'm gonna go ahead and out myself before someone else does.
Labels: American Idol, Internet Addiction, Television, The Shame
So, I am still running, although I have had difficulty running as regularly as I want to with the crazy stuff going on with my Mom, and being out of town, etc. I am really trying to stick with it, though, because I feel so much better when I get enough exercise, that it is almost like I am a different person. Just ask the people who live with me.
Labels: East Atlanta, Exercise, Little Afghanistan, running, Swimming, weight